Roxborough Village District use of Foothills recreation Amenities
The RVMD has an agreement with the Foothills Park & Recreation District for Roxborough Village Metropolitan District residents to receive Foothills resident rates on all Foothills admission fees, passes and classes. To receive reduced rates for Facility Use – a Foothills I.D. card is required.
RVMD residents will need to get a Foothills I.D. card.
You are required to show your Foothills I.D. card at each visit to receive reduced admission.
A Recreation I.D. Card may be obtained at Lilley Gulch Recreation Center, Ridge Recreation Center or Peak Community & Wellness Center.
A Golf I.D. Card may be obtained at Meadows Golf Club or Foothills Golf Course.
There is no charge for I.D. cards. Foothills I.D. cards are for the convenience of our patrons. The I.D. card will verify your reduced rates. Youth, age 9 and older must present a Foothills I.D. card to receive reduced rates.
If you have a current Foothills I.D. card, please alert staff that you are a RVMD resident to receive Foothills resident rates.
To receive reduced rates for Classes – create an account in our registration system.
Please visit the Foothills Park & Recreation District for more information.